
Configure Eclipse on First Launch

The first time you run Eclipse, you’re presented with a dialog that allows you to select a Workspace.


Accept the default location for your Workspace.


Check “Use this as the default and don not ask again”.

Note: If you’re reinstalling Eclipse, you mustn’t reuse the same default location for your workspace – this will corrupt your Eclipse installation. I learned this the hard way because I’d been using C:\Users\Chris\workspace, and I wanted to use that directory again; so I made a copy of it and saved it (into E:\Safe\workspace), and then cleaned C:\Users\Chris\workspace.

Check for updates

Before you start installing addins to Eclipse, make sure you’re working with the latest version (build) of Eclipse.

  • To update Eclipse, click Help > Check for Updates

    Check the Status Bar for the update task’s progress.

Set preferences

In Eclipse, click Window > Preferences, and then systematically go through the items in the hierarchical menu in the left pane – and check each item’s configuration.



Enable: Enable Animations

Compare/Patch/ > Text Compare

Enable: Initially show ancestry pane

Error Reporting

Enter your name and e-mail address


Enable: Save automatically before build

Enable: Show workspace path in window title

Text file encoding: Other > UTF-8



Enable: Mark occurrences of the selected element in the current buildfile


Automatic Updates

Enable: Configure Eclipse so it automatically updates each time you start it.




Enable: Comments, Inner types, and Members


Enable: Combined Hover


Enable: Automatically insert at correct position > Semicolons > Braces


Enable: Show the file author in compare editors



Enable: E-mail addresses in Author/Committer columns

Update errors

If the update process fails, throwing errors like this:

No repository found containing: osgi.bundle,org.eclipse.aether.api,1.0.1.v20141111

No repository found containing: osgi.bundle,org.eclipse.aether.connector.basic,1.0.1.v20141111

No repository found containing: osgi.bundle,org.eclipse.aether.impl,1.0.1.v20141111

Then you need to refresh the list of “Available Software Sites.”

To do so, select them all in Preferences > Install/Update > Available Software Sites, and then click Remove.

Any easy way to add them back is to Import the file named bookmarks.xml with the following content:

<?xml version=”1.0” encoding=”UTF-8”?>
<site url=”” selected=”true” name=”Android Developer Tools (ADT)”/>
<site url=”” selected=”true” name=”Code Recommenders Stable Update Site”/>
<site url=”” selected=”true” name=”Eclipse Luna”/>
<site url=”” selected=”true” name=”oXygen”/>
<site url=”” selected=”true” name=”PyDev Update Site”/>
<site url=”” selected=”true” name=”ReST Editor Update Site”/>
<site url=”” selected=”true” name=”update site:”/>

Add common libraries

When I was experimenting with Java projects, I continually ran into instances where projects depended on external libraries (JSON, IO, etc.). After downloading a few of them, I simply downloaded several of them – so I’d always have then on hand.

To add the common libraries, visit:



Install Eclipse

  1. Get the latest version of Eclipse by visiting:  Eclipse Downloads.

  2. From the Eclipse Downloads landing page, click Eclipse IDE for Java Developers > Windows 64 Bit.

    When the Run/Save toast appears, click Save.

    When you click Run, the Eclipse Installer by Oomph runs.

  3. Accept the installer default installation directory:

  4. Set the option “Run this program as an administrator” on the Eclipse executable (i.e., on the file “C:\opt\eclipse\eclipse.exe”).

  5. Pin the executable to the Taskbar. You can do this by Ctrl + clicking & dragging from File Explorer to the Taskbar.

    You’re done. Go ahead and launch Eclipse.


Requirement: Install the JDK First

Eclipse was written in Java, is hosted in a Java Virtual Machine, and was primarily designed for Java software development. As such, a fundamental requirement for running it is a Java Development Kit (JDK) deployment. The JDK is a superset of the Java Runtime Environment (JRE) – the bits you need in order to run Java applications.

  1. Get the latest version of the JDK by visiting: Oracle Java SE Downloads. There are several versions to choose from. Which one should you get? I recommend Java Platform, Standard Edition.
  2. On the Java SE Downloads page, in the section Java Platform, Standard Edition, click JDK Downloads. You land on the Java SE Development Kit 8 Downloads page.
  3. Accept the license agreement (click the “Accept License Agreement radio button), and then click the download link for the latest version of the Windows x64 release. When the Run/Save toast appears, click Run.
  4. Accept all defaults except the “install to” location; for that, see the next subsection.

Where to install

I’m going to follow the Linux Filesystem Hierarchy Standard and create an /opt directory on the root of my C: drive; and then I’ll install all of the open source software beneath it. The hope is to create a [somewhat] portable installation.

  1. The default location was C:\Program Files\Java\jdk1.8.0_60\, but I changed it to C:\opt\Java\jdk1.8.0_60\). I.e., in the fully-qualified path name, simply replace “Program Files” with “opt”.

Note: I was going to truncate the version number from the end of the path name, but I changed my mind: I thought there might be a good reason why Oracle included these details. I kept the version number for these docs because I felt it wasn’t that important that I genericize the docs by using jdkx.x.x_xx.

  1. Half-way through the JDK installation, the JRE installation begins, and the installer presents you with the option to change the install location from C:\Program Files\Java\jre1.80_66 to a different folder. Again, simply replace “Program Files” with “opt”.

In the case of the JRE, you can’t simply select Program Files and type opt over top of it. You’re forced to navigate a path selection dialog down to “C:\opt\Java”, and create a new folder (“\jre1.8.0_66” in my case).

Note: Interestingly, the installer actually installed three copies of the java runtime.

  • C:\opt\Java\jdk1.8.0_66\bin\java.exe (java runtime for private use by the IDE). * Choose this one for your JAVA_HOME in order to get the tools.jar to work!
  • C:\opt\Java\jdk1.8.0_66\jre\bin\java.exe (java runtime for private use) * I used to point JAVA_HOME here, but Ant doesn’t work if you do!
  • C:\opt\Java\jre1.8.0_66\bin\java.exe (java runtime for public use). Use this one for %JAVA_HOME%.

Note:  I also found java.exe in another location:


… and this line was also added to the beginning of my path statement. I don’t know how this got there!?

Setup system environment variables

The use of System Environment Variables makes installations portable. To add new System environment variables:

  1. Right-click the Start button.

  2. Click Control Panel.

  3. Click System and Security.

  4. Click System.

  5. Click Advanced System Settings.

  6. In the System Properties dialog that appears, click Advanced > Environment Variables.

  7. Add the following two new System environment variables:

    POSIX_HOME = C:\opt\
    JAVA_HOME = %POSIX_HOME%\Java\jdk1.8.0_66\

Note: In order to get Ant to work properly, you have to set JAVA_HOME to point to the java.exe in the JDK – so Ant can find the file tools.jar.

Add the path to the Java executable to the path system environment variable

Adding the location of application executables to the Path statement makes them portable in that it gives you the flexibility of running pathed executables from any directory.

  1. Add the following string the end of the Path statement (i.e., to the Path System environment variable).


Note: The \bin directory contains the executable file java.exe.


Eclipse Cookbook

This cookbook is intended to be used for installing and configuring the Eclipse Integrated Development Environment (IDE) on Windows 10. I used Eclipse as part of my content management system because it allowed me to integrate a Git plugin (which in turn allowed me to version-control my content), and it allowed me to use the markdown editor plugin.

Key concepts

Before I go into the details, I thought it best to explain a few Eclipse concepts first.


The term Workbench refers to the desktop development environment. The Workbench aims to achieve seamless tool integration and controlled openess by providing a common paradigm for the creation, management, and navigation of workspace resources. Each Workbench window contains one or more Perspectives. Perspectives contain Views and Editors, and control what appears in certain menus and tool bars. More than one Workbench window can exist on the desktop at any given time.


Workspace is a conceptual construct. It’s a container for a multiple Eclipse projects.

Note: You must separate your Git repo from your Workspace (no overlap). Both are constructs for organizing project files, and conceptually, both exist in an abstraction layer on top of the file system. It’s important to understand the difference here because you’ll run into trouble later if you don’t keep the two paradigms separate.


CSS Cookbook

Class and ID attributes

These two attributes specify where and how styles are applied to elements.


You use the class attribute to define styles for elements with the same class name. When you update the style definition, all elements in your document that have that class attribute are effected. Here’s an example of a class definition:

.cities {
  background-color: black;
  color: white;
  margin: 20px;
  padding: 20px;

Note: Notice the use of the period before the class name.

Here’s an example the demonstrates how to use a class attribute:

<div class="cities">
  <p>London is the capital of England.</p>


You use the id attribute to define a style for a unique (one-off) element. When you update the style definition, only one element is effected (the one with that ID attribute). Here’s an example of an ID definition:

#myTwoCents {
  background-color: lightblue;
  color: black;
  padding: 40px;
  text-align: center;

Note: Notice the pound sign before the ID name.

Here’s an example that demonstrates how to use an ID attribute:

<div id="myTwoCents">
  <p>I like traffic lights.</p>


This sections explains how to control content flow within the page. For more information, see CSS position property.


The default positioning is static. Static positioned elements simply render in the order that they appear in the document flow. Static positioned elements are not affected by the topbottomleft, and right properties.


Fixed positioned elements:

  • are removed from the normal flow.
  • are positioned relative to the browser window,
  • will not move, even if the window is scrolled.
  • can overlap other elements.

Note: The document and other elements behave like the fixed positioned elements don’t exist.


In the same way that fixed position allows you to place an element up against the browser window border, position relative allows you to do the same thing, but up against a container’s borders. Set the containing box’s position to relative, and then set the position of the box that it contains to absolute.


If you set relative positioning on div-1, then any elements within div-1 are positioned relative to div-1. Then if you set absolute positioning on div-1a, then you can move it to the top right of div-1.

#div-1 {

#div-1a {

The element is positioned relative to its normal position, so “left:20” adds 20 pixels to the element’s LEFT position.


  • Relative positioned elements are often used as container blocks for absolute positioned elements.
  • If you want scroll bars, then don’t use relative position.
  • If you switch to relative, then you’ll loose the scroll bars.
  • To get scroll bars, set values for “top” and “bottom” (e.g., top: 120 px, bottom: 30 px), and then set the position to either fixed or absolute.


Absolute positioned elements:

  • are positioned relative to their first positioned enclosing element (or body element, if there aren’t any).
  • are removed from the normal flow.
  • don’t participate in the normal flow of the static elements in the document.


  • Absolute positioning doesn’t work for variable-height columns (boxes).
  • You can see the blue outline of a selected div only when you set it’s positioning to Absolute.
  • This is the type of position you want for the title in your page header. It allows you to move the text to the right, away from the logo (padding-left: 20 px).


The value of the position property is inherited from the parent element.


The display property specifies the type of rendering box used for an element.


As far a flow is concerned, content won’t appear beside a block. As far as that block taking up all the available horizontal space – you have to specify width = 100%.

Margins and padding

  • Margins are used to setup a space around content to keep other content away.
  • Padding is used to distance content away from the sides of a container (e.g., a div).

Scroll bars

To get scroll bars to appear, and to force the div element to keep it’s shape: Overflow=scroll

Not sure

div#mainSection table {} Match any table that is within a division that has an id=mainSection. I.e., must match the entire division, not just an element.


Don’t confuse “.body” with “Body Text”. 🙂

Apache Ant Java

Apache Ant Cookbook

Apache Ant is a software tool for automating software build processes (like GNU Make). I used Ant to build the Adroid version of a doc set from within the Eclipse IDE.

Note: The name Ant is an acronym that stands for Another Neat Tool.

Installation and setup

The oXygen XML Editor uses it’s own version of Ant. To get oXygen to work properly, you have to make it’s Ant installation the primary Ant installation located in C:\opt\eclipseplugins\com.oxygenxml.editor_16.1.0.v2014102117\tools\ant.

  1. Delete the standalone Ant in: C:\apache-ant-1.9.2.
  2. There’s another standalone version located in: C:\Users\Chris\.ant. Delete it.
  3. Leave Eclipse Ant in: C:\opt\eclipseplugins\org.apache.ant_1.9.2.v201404171502. You should leave this so you can set controls for it (i.e., set preferences in Eclipse). You can set it up to use oXygen’s Ant installation.

Set the environment variable

In Windows

  1. Create the new environment variable ANT_HOME=C:\opt\eclipseplugins\com.oxygenxml.editor_16.1.0.v2014102117\tools\ant.
  2. Add it to the path statement: ;%ANT_HOME%/bin.

In Eclipse

  1. In Eclipse, navigate to: Windows > Preferences > Ant > Runtime.
  2. Click Ant Home….
  3. Navigate to C:\opt\eclipseplugins\com.oxygenxml.editor_16.1.0.v2014102117\tools\ant.
  4. Click Ok, then click Apply, and then click OK.

Update the Ant installation with the latest libraries and dependencies

Open a command prompt window (with Administrative privileges), and execute the following command:

ant -f fetch.xml -Ddest=system

Note: ant.bat is the batch file that serves as the wrapper script for Windows.

Ant script structure

Ant scripts have the following structure:


Doc build timestamp

I wanted each doc build to include the time that I generated the docs. For more information, see the documentation for tstamp. To accomplish this, you use the TODAY property in your Ant project, but first you need to initialize it. You do this by adding the following statement to your Ant project.


This sets the standard DSTAMPTSTAMP, and TODAY properties according to the default formats. I added it to the init target to make its use obvious.

<target name="init" description="Ant build project setup.">
                <format property="doc_build.time_stamp" pattern="EEEE MMMM dd, yyyy 'at' h:mm:ss a z" />

Notice that I created my own property called doc_build.time_stamp.


I use my new doc build timestamp property inside the target that I created for building the HTML docs.

<property name="javadoc.footer" value="&lt;strong&gt;Built:&lt;/strong&gt;&#09;${doc_build.time_stamp}." />


build.xml is the default name used by Ant for the Ant project file.

My build.xml

Here’s the XML in my build.xml file.

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<project name="3rdParty Mobile SDK" default="HTML Docs" basedir=".">

        <property name="src.dir"        value="${basedir}/src"/>
        <property name="dest.dir"       value="${basedir}/doc"/>
        <property name="lib.dir"        value="${basedir}/lib"/>

        <path id="classpath">
                <fileset dir="${lib.dir}" includes="**/*.jar"/>

        <target name="init" description="Ant build project setup.">
                        <format property="doc_build.time_stamp" pattern="EEEE MMMM dd, yyyy 'at' h:mm:ss a z" />

        <target name="HTML Docs" depends="init" description="Compile the HTML version of the docs.">
                <property name="javadoc.header" value="&lt;strong&gt;3rdParty Mobile SDK&lt;/strong&gt;&#09;v1.0" />
                <property name="javadoc.footer" value="&lt;strong&gt;Built:&lt;/strong&gt;&#09;${doc_build.time_stamp}." />
                <property name="javadoc.bottom" value='Copyright &amp;copy; 2013 - &lt;script&gt; var currYear=new Date(); document.write(currYear.getFullYear()); &lt;/script&gt;, 3rdParty Corp., All rights reserved.' />

                  additionalparam=" -noqualifier "
                  doctitle="3rdParty Mobile SDK Documentation"
                  windowtitle="3rdParty Mobile SDK for Android"
                        <link href=""/>



JavaDoc Generation


In Eclipse, run the Generate Javadoc command (Project > Generate Javadoc).

When you run the Javadoc Generator in Eclipse, a Wizard walks you through setting-up the job.

The Wizard consists of three pages.

Online Docs for the Javadoc Wizard

Javadoc Generator Settings

Note: I recommend that you use Eclipse’ Javadoc generator (Project > Generate Javadocs), and enable the option for it to automatically create a build.xml ant build file. Then open that build file in EditPad Pro, and customize it to your needs. See the build file in the java_3rdParty project for a prototype example.


Note: JDK_HOME = C:Program FilesJavajdk1.7.0_21

Make sure the Windows Environment Variable PATH contains the directory that contains the javadoc.exe executable file (i.e., %JDK_HOME%bin).

This expands to: C:Program FilesJavajdk1.7.0_21binjavadoc.exe

Note: This won’t expand in the Generate Javadoc dialog box, but you can click Configure, and get the path to expand (%JAVA_HOME%\bin\).

Uncheck, and then re-check “src”. This ensures that every subpackage is checked (just one subpackage is checked by default).

Each option (Private, Packatge, Protected, and Public) is a superset of the options to its right. So select Private, and you get Package, Protected, and Public.

I like this option because it’s nice to see explanations for the private helper methods.

Use this option to generate the default doc style.

Destination: C:\Users\Chris\src\java_3rdParty\doc

Choose this option to generate docs using a different document generation algorithm. For example, you can specify a doclet that generates the docs in PDF form.

See the doclets available for download.

JELDoclet is a doclet that exports the contents of the Javadoc system as XML instead of HTML.

** See if you can create as XSLT with oXygen XML Editor, to generate a custom version of the docs.

Check this option.

I used the title: 3rdParty Java SDK Documentation

I checked all of the options, except @deprecated.

When you set this up properly, it makes your docs more user friendly, I turns all of the data types in your docs into hyperlinks to the external Javadocs for each particular referenced API.

Ideally, you want all of these checked. For the ones that are unchecked (and are labelled “not configured”), search the Internet for the name of the jar. One of the hits will contain the URL for the Javadocs generated for the API. Enter that URL, minus the terminating html file, into the Browse dialog, and click Validate. If it validates successfully, then click OK, and then check the check box beside the archive item.


Javadoc relies on a file called package-list to identify the location of Javadocs – beneath a given directory. For some reason, such a file is missing for Therefore the “approach -link doesn’t work (you get a warning that the package-list could not be retrieved and no links are generated into your docs). Note that the checkboxes in that 2nd eclipse dialog just assemble -link parameters for you, so that doesn’t really make any difference.

However, Javadoc offers the -linkoffline parameter as a workaround for this situation. It allows you to link to online Javadoc documentation, that you can’t access at the time of generating your own docs. Here’s how it works: While -link takes only one parameter (the URL of the JavaDoc docs you want to link to), -linkoffline takes a second one – the location of the package-list file.

So, to link to the online Android reference documentation, you should not select any checkboxes in the 2nd eclipse dialog, but instead add

-linkoffline file://C:/opt/android-sdks/docs/reference

in the Extra Javadoc options in the 3rd dialog.

That way you use the package-list of your locally installed Android docs, but the links in your generated Javadoc will actually point to the online version.

I guess this must be where you can apply your custom stylesheet to the docs.

Experiment with this. Try opening the docset in Dreamweaver, and then adding your own style sheet on top of the default one.

Check the Overview checkbox.

Use the path: C:\Users\Chris\src\java_3rdParty\overview.html

As far as I can tell, you can leave this field blank.

This truncates the full path names of the io members, leaving just the class name (like the using statemenmt in C#).


** When you use this option, the settings are stored in an Ant script named javadoc.xml, that you can resuse to perform the specified Javadoc export without the need to use the wizard.

Existing Ant script can be modified with this wizard (Use Open Javadoc wizard’ from the context menu on the generated Ant script)

Ant Script: C:\Users\Chris\src\java_3rdParty\javadoc.xml

  1. In Eclipse, Window > Open View > Other > Ant.
  2. Drag & drop the Ant build file from the Project Explorer into this Ant View pane.
  3. In the Ant view pane, double-click the target script.
  1. In Eclipse, in the Project Explorer, right-click the Ant build file (build.xml or javadoc.xml).
  2. Click Open in…
  3. Select the XML Editor.

This gives you two views into the Ant script.


Ant Script

<?xml version=”1.0″ encoding=”UTF-8″?>

<!– For info about what these attributes mean, see: –>

<project name=”3rdParty SDK for Android” default=”HTML Docs” basedir=”.”>

<property name=”src.dir” value=”${basedir}/src”/>

<property name=”dest.dir” value=”${basedir}/doc”/>

<property name=”lib.dir” value=”${basedir}/lib”/>

<path id=:classpath”>

<fileset dir=”${lib.dir}” includes=”





<target name=”init” description=”Ant build project setup.”>
<format property=”doc_build.time_stamp” pattern=”EEEE MMMM dd, yyyy ‘at’ h:mm:ss a z” />



<target name=”HTML Docs” depends=”init” description=”Compile the HTML version of the docs.”>

<property name=”javadoc.header” value=”&lt;strong&gt;3rdParty SDK for Android&lt;/strong&gt;&#09;v1.0” /> <property name=”javadoc.footer” value=”&lt;strong&gt;Last updated on:&lt;/strong&gt;&#09;${doc_build.time_stamp}.” /> <property name=”javadoc.bottom” value=’Copyright &amp;copy; 2013 – &lt;script&gt; var currYear=new Date(); document.write(currYear.getFullYear()); &lt;/script&gt;, 3rdParty Corp., All rights reserved.’ />


access=”public” additionalparam=”-bootclasspath C:Androidsdkplatformsandroid-19android.jar -noqualifier” author=”true” destdir=”${dest.dir}” doctitle=”3rdParty SDK for Android” windowtitle=”3rdParty SDK for Android” nodeprecated=”true” nodeprecatedlist=”true” noindex=”false” nonavbar=”false” notree=”false” overview=”${basedir}/overview.html” packagenames=”com.3rdParty.sdk” source=”7” sourcepath=”${src.dir}” splitindex=”true” use=”true” version=”true”>

<link href=”“/> <link offline=”true” href=”” packagelistloc=”C:/Android/sdk/docs/reference”/> <header><![CDATA[${javadoc.header}]]></header> <footer><![CDATA[${javadoc.footer}]]></footer> <bottom><![CDATA[${javadoc.bottom}]]></bottom>




Check this checkbox to see the doc web page in its own window inside Eclipse.

If you already have a browser instance open – displaying the docs from the last export, then don’t check this checkbox. Simply refresh the page displayed in the browser.


First-time Generation of the Docs

  1. In Eclipse, click Project > Generate Javadoc. Run Javadoc using the defaults for Destination: “C:\Users\Chris\src\java_3rdParty\doc”.
  • Javadoc command: ;%JDK_HOME%\bin\javadoc.exe.
  • For the types for which Javadoc will be generated, check everything under “src”. I.e., deselect everyting under “test”.

Customizing the Docs

The Javadoc tool generates output originating from four different types of source files:

Java language source files for classes Package comment files Overview comment files Miscellaneous unprocessed files

Sample Javadoc comment block

/** 3rdParty Java SDK
 * This Java package wraps the 3rdParty web service.
 * @package
 * @author     cboorman
 * @copyright  Copyright © 2020, 3rdParty Corporation.
 * @license The MIT License (MIT).
 * @version    1.0
 * @maintainer Git Administrator
 * @link
 * @email      Support <>


Apache Ant Java

Apache Ant

ANT is the Java equivalent of Make. Once you create a javadoc.xml file, you can use it to generate the Javadocs instead of having to go through the Javadoc Gererating Wizard in Eclipse.

Environment Variable and PATH for Eclipse’s version of Ant

ANT_HOME=C:\Program Files\eclipse\plugins\org.apache.ant_1.8.3.v20120321-1730

Eclipse Ant Editor and Ant Viewer

Eclipse has two very cool features for building and running Ant files.

  1. In Eclipse, click Window > Show View > Ant.
  2. In the new Ant window, right-click on the root folder item, and click open in XML Editor. Eclipse’s built-in XML Editor displays syntax-formatted XML, and has a cool Design tab feature that allows you to manipulate the entities.

The Latest Version of Ant

You don’t have to download and install Ant. It’s bundled with Eclipse (albeit, its an not the latest version of Ant – v1.7). At the time of this writing, the latest version of Ant is v1.8.4.

If you install it, you’ll get a warning message when you try to change the Ant configuration in Eclipse (Windows > Preferences > Ant > Runtime > Ant Home…) – to point to the new ANT_HOME. Apparently the new installation is missing “tools.jar”, which Eclipse needs.

In Eclipse, Windows > Preferences > Ant; “Some tasks, such as “javac”, require the tools.jar library to be on the Ant runtime classpath to execute successfully.”

  1. To fix this, in Eclipse, navigate to Windows > Preferences > Ant > Runtime > Classpath > Global Entries.
  2. Click “Add external Jars…”.
  3. Type “C:\Program Files\Java\jdk1.7.0_21\lib\tools.jar”, and click “Open”.

Download and Install

At the time of this writing, the latest version of Ant is apache-ant-1.9.1.

  1. Download Apache Ant, and extract the zip file to C:\. It’ll end up with in C:\apache-ant-1.9.1.
  2. Set the “ANT_HOME” environment variable to “C:\apache-ant-1.9.1”.
  3. Path ;%ANT_HOME%\bin Make sure that you also the JAVA_HOME environment variable set to the JDK. This is required for running Ant. ..Note: You’d think that JAVA_HOME should point to the JRE, not to the JDK, but apparently that’s not the case. It should point to the JDK.
  4. Check your installation by opening a command line and typing “ant -version” into the commend line. The system should find the command ant and show the version number of your installed Ant.

I did this, and I got the following error:

“C:\Users\Chris>ant -version
Unable to locate tools.jar. Expected to find it in %JDK_HOME%\lib\tools.jar Apache Ant(TM) version 1.9.1 compiled on May 15 2013”

I fixed it by simply copying C:\Program Files\Java\jdk1.7.0_21\lib\tools.jar to C:\Program Files\Java\jre7\lib\.

Using Ant to build the docs from the Command Line

  1. Open a command prompt.
  2. Type: C:\Users\Chris\src\java_3rdParty>ant -f javadoc.xml

Using Ant to build the docs from the Run dialog

  1. Open the Run dialog by pressing the Windows Key + R (on the Kinesis Advantage keyboard, that’s Right Alt + R).

  2. Paste the following command line into the Open field, and the click OK.

    %ANT_HOME%\bin\ant -F %USERHOME%\src\java_3rdParty\javadoc.xml

  3. When the Permission dialog appears, just click OK.


Eclipse – the Java IDE

Installing Eclipse

  1. Setup an Environment Variable for Eclipse called:

    JAVAHOME=C:\\Program Files\\Java\\jdk1.7.0_21.

    I noticed that this points to the JDK, although the name insinuates that it points to the JRE home. Strange…

  2. Path it:


Install point:

Update: There is now an SR2 release. I therefore downloaded:

Note: You can also FTP to it:

  1. Unzip to C:\Program files\. The executable will then be: “C:\Program Files\eclipse\eclipse.exe”

Note: Just click unzip, and point to C:\Program Files, and Winzip properly extracts it into an \eclipse sub directory.

  1. Right-click the executable file eclipse.exe, and click Properties > Compatibility > Change settings for all users, and set the Privilege Level to “Run this program as an administrator”.

  2. Create a shortcut to eclipse.exe, and place it on your desktop. This gives you a handy launch point for Eclipse.

  3. Right-click the shortcut, and click Properties.

  4. Edit the Target field to add command line arguments that specify the Java VM to use.

    eclipse.exe -vm “%JAVA_HOME%\bin\javaw.exe”
  5. Start Eclipse.

  6. Accept (or set) the default Workspace (%USERPROFILE”%\workspace). I used: C:\Users\Chris\workspace

  7. Check “Use this as the default and do not ask again”.

  8. Create a new project – using the files from the repo java_3rdParty. Note: refresh the repo to pickup any new changes. File > New > Java Project. To get Eclipse to automatically incorporate the repo files into a proper Eclipse project (so you can run Javadoc):

  • You should see a note near the bottom of the New Java Project dialog that informs you that Eclipse will see the existing file structure and automatically create the appropriate project structure based on it.
  • Name the new project java_3rdParty (the same name used for the repo).
  • Use the location “C:\Users\Chris\src”.
  • JRE: “Use an execution environment JRE: JavaSE-1.7”.
  • Project Layout: “Create separate folders for sources and class files”.
  1. Click Finish (i.e., skip right to the end, without clicking Next).

Java Symbols in the Type Hierarchy View

Look in Preferences > Java > Appearance > Members Sort Order



This is the Java Platform Development Kit. You want the JDK that targets Java Standard Edition.

I used the 64-bit versions in all cases.


  1. Install the latest 64-bit version of the JDK (as of this writing, jdk1.7.0_21).

    It installs to:

    C:\Program Files\Java\jdk1.7.0_21\

    FYI – note that the Java Virtual Machine (VM) run-time executable file is:

    C:\Program Files\Java\jdk1.7.0_21\jre\bin\javaw.exe
  2. Setup an Environment Variable for the Java Runtime Environment (the Java_Home):

    JAVA_HOME=C:\Program Files\Java\jdk1.7.0_21\jre
  3. Path it:

  4. Setup an Environment Variable for the JDK (use JDK_HOME):

    JDK_HOME=C:\\Program Files\\Java\\jdk1.7.0_21

Note: The version number will be highter. E.g., “C:\Program Files\Java\jdk1.7.0_21”

  1. Path it:
